Mission & Scope


The Oregon State Ichthyology Collection supports research, education and outreach about the taxonomic, genetic, anatomical and geographic diversity of fishes from the Pacific Northwest and beyond by providing information, images, loans and opportunities for study to researchers, students and the public.



The Oregon State Ichthyology Collection includes preserved specimens of fishes and preparations derived from those specimens, including skeletons, genetic samples, scales, otoliths, photographs, radiographs and digital scans. All specimens added to the collection should enhance the collection’s primary goals of supporting research, education and/or outreach about the biodiversity of fishes. Though the collection emphasizes fishes from the Pacific Northwest and North Pacific, material from elsewhere in the world is also in scope if it furthers an active research project pursued by one of the collection’s curators, or if it substantially diversifies the specimens available for examination and use by students enrolled in classes at Oregon State University. The collection’s scope does not include fossil material, artwork depicting fishes, or cultural objects made from fishes.