Get Involved

Undergraduate Opportunities

Undergraduates engage with the Oregon State Ichthyology Collection by helping to catalog and maintain the collection, using the specimens to teach other students and visitors about amazing fish adaptations and fish diversity, or engaging in independent research.  If helping us to catalog and conserve the fish pickles sounds like your cup of laboratory-grade alcohol, if you have a passion for natural history museums, or if you are looking for a specimen-based undergraduate research experience, we want to hear from you!  Drop us a note at Michael Burns and Alvaro Cortes to introduce yourself and to discuss current opportunities.   

Graduate Opportunities

Prospective graduate students interested in completing a collections-focused masters or doctoral thesis in ichthyology or fish systematics should contact Michael Burns with a letter introducing themselves, summarizing their background, and outlining how their specific research interests would fit well within our program. Prospective graduate students should also include a copy of their CV or resumé. Internal funding for such programs of study is very limited, and we encourage all prospective students to apply for external fellowships such as the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program (


If you are curious about collections management and curation of natural history collections we encourage you to get involved! Our collection benefits greatly from students and volunteers who donate their time to help us to further improve, maintain, and expand the collection.

Please contact either Michael Burns or Alvaro Cortes for further information.