Founded on our large and diverse ichthyoplankton collection, we offer an online Larval Fish Diversity and Identification Course (FW 528) each spring to students who are interested in learning to interpret the ichthyoplankton diversity in an evolutionary framework. Students who take FW 528 are encouraged to take Larval Fish Identification (FW 529) immediately thereafter. This lab course is a separate entity taught each summer during a four-week session and includes a one-week lab portion in which students experience and identify larval fish samples from the collection.
Larval Fish Workshop in Corvallis
Peter Konstantinidis teaches an ichthyoplankton lab and workshop. It is a 6-day intensive course dedicated to the systematics and identification of larval fishes. The goal is to equip participants with a skill set in identification of ichthyoplankton to family level or to a lower taxonomic level. The lab will include daily lectures on taxonomic groups of marine fishes with the focal point on their larval characters. Participants are welcome to bring unidentified ichthyoplankton samples or mixed species lots to the course to help with their identification.
Larval Fish Workshop in Concarneau, France
Peter is often invited to take part in teaching larval fish workshops around the world. The most comprehensive Larval fish course is offered by Dr. Nalani Schnell (MNHN, France). The course is taught in the oldest Marine Station in the world in Concarneau, France every other year. The course is spear headed by Dr. Nalani Schnell and co-taught by Drs. Catriona Clemmesen-Bockelmann (GEOMAR, Germany), Cindy van Damme (Wageningen Marine Research, Netherlands), Cyril Gallut (UPMC, France), and Peter Konstantinidis (OSU).